Mr. Chair, if I may, I'll add to Ms. Wilford's comments.
I appreciate the fact that it's coming up here in the committee that peaceful protest is cherished and that this campaign originally started as something that, by all known circumstances at that time, was a peaceful protest. I think that reinforces how unique and complex and unprecedented this situation was, and how quickly it evolved. We believe that we put in place all of our tools and actions that were appropriate to our terms of service, and we believe that given what we knew at the time all of the decisions were appropriate.
There was this change that occurred, a very poignant change where things went from something that seemed okay and permissible to our terms of service to something that was not okay and no longer permissible, and at the rate of change that was happening and the amount of information that was circulating, was very difficult to coalesce. So again, we feel confident in our policies and procedures and making the decision that we did to support originally and then closely monitor the situation, collaborate with local authorities, and then ultimately notice something change and then revoke the campaign based on violation of our terms of service.