I agree with you that protests are lawful and fundamental to democracy. However, when a protest becomes unlawful and turns into an occupation, as the freedom convoy did, certain questions have to be asked. I'm not familiar with the laws in the United States, but in Canada, blocking a public roadway is illegal. When a protest has ties to the far right, it's worrisome. Certain questions have to be asked.
You said that you weren't contacted by the Government of Canada or Canadian law enforcement and that you weren't told to put a stop to the fundraiser. At a certain point, GoFundMe decided to do just that on its own initiative. I would say the majority of Canadians think that was the right decision, albeit a bit late.
If neither the Government of Canada nor Canadian police forces contacted you, did you hear from the Ontario Superior Court of Justice? I would think you heard about the injunction ordering that the convoy's funds be frozen.