The relationship between Canada and the U.K. is really quite extraordinary. When our police forces exchange information, we can be absolutely confident that we each, on both sides, can rely on that information and that it was collected with the proper respect for due process, the rule of law and all of the other principles that are fundamental to the way our societies work.
In other parts of the world some of these systems are not nearly as reliable, so when we receive that kind of information from those other parts of the world that may not share our values, system of governance or legal principles, the agencies obviously look at the information—and it is part of their decision-making process—but they also weigh what is there in terms of its credibility. They are making a decision, not on behalf of that other country but on behalf of Canada and Canadians, and, accordingly, they have to bring Canadian principles and standards to bear on the probative value of the information.
Any investigator always has those kinds of decisions to make. Some evidence is more compelling than others, some information is more reliable than others, and you have to make sure you're making a good, credible judgment about how much weight to put on that particular point.