Let me first give some historical background. This agency might be new now, but it is an old agency that was scrapped during the eternal peacetime.
The history of the Psychological Defence Agency and its predecessor goes back to the early 1950s, when the Cold War was coming back again. Sweden drew on the conclusions and the experiences we had during World War II, when we had radio propaganda from Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union into our society and so on. This has a long tradition.
It is also very intertwined with the Swedish total defence concept, where we communicate with our citizens that we will never surrender if we get into war. We started those communications back in 1943. Actually, today the next version of this brochure will be distributed to everyone in the population. It's if war comes or if the crisis comes. The brochure is some 30 pages.
Over these two years, I wouldn't say the perception has changed of the agency. It was installed with broad political support. I would say it's accepted, but it's trying to find its role within Swedish society and the governance system. Of course, a new agency finding a relationship with other agencies takes some time.