Let me chime in here first.
Meta has the largest independent fact-checking network of any online platform. We have more than 90 independent fact-checkers in more than 60 languages who are checking information on our platforms to determine whether it is misinformation or disinformation. If they determine it is false or partly false, we label those posts and that content, or we remove it from our platforms.
My colleague, Mr. Agranovich, has talked about malicious disinformation from state actors, but disinformation or misinformation from other sources is something we send through our fact-checking network of more than 90 fact-checkers now.
In Canada, that work is done by Agence France-Presse. We are also working, potentially, with another Canadian partner in advance of the next election to review that information as well. It's very much our goal to make sure that misinformation and disinformation are removed from our platforms.
That said, though, we are also a platform to connect Canadians and ensure that Canadians are able to share information, share their views and connect with their friends and family, and we want to do that without suppressing or limiting their ability to express themselves.
As you can imagine, Mr. Boulerice, that's a fine line. We have to make sure we're not preventing Canadians from expressing themselves while removing misinformation at the same time.