To give a very simple response, since the major invasion of Ukraine began in early 2023, we haven't expelled, to my knowledge, a single Russian diplomat. There are 60-plus of them in the country. I used to take part in such expulsions. I went to the foreign ministry in Moscow. I did it in Ottawa several times for much lower offences, much more innocent forms of undiplomatic or espionage activity. Now they're invading a country and we haven't touched them, and Canada has a special relationship. It's bizarre. It deserves to be questioned.
There should be action. There are 60-plus of them here and, I think, 14 of our diplomats there. We should pursue parity and take action, and it's leverage that we have. When they do something to Canada and we find this kind of interference in Canada, we should be exacting a price from their side: That's the only language they'll understand.