Thank you, Mr. MacGregor. I'll try to be brief—briefer than I have been in response to some other questions.
First of all, I would point out to the committee that the concept of foreign interference in Canada being low-risk, high-reward is a CSIS formula. It's a formula that serves CSIS's interests and desires to constantly bring the government's and senior decision-makers' attention to CSIS's needs and operations. To be honest, I think it's an exaggerated way of understanding things. I don't see a lot of evidence for it.
The things we can do are those that I've tried to outline. Again, very briefly, we have to pay much more attention to stopping the covert activities of Indian diplomats in Canada. That's a key mission, and it requires a lot of good intelligence. We have the capabilities. We just need to pay more attention to that issue.
The other thing—and this will come out in Justice Hogue's final report—is that we're going to have to devote many more resources to, and be much more strategic in, outreach to diaspora communities that may be targeted by foreign interference from whatever direction. We have some tools to do that, but I think everyone would regard those tools as inadequate at the moment. Having the capacity to engage with diaspora communities as a two-way flow of information about concerns and best practices, and how the Canadian government and the security intelligence community can support vulnerable diaspora communities, is going to be vital going forward.