I think for a country like India...which, basically, for me, is an enemy state right now for what they're doing in Canada. I don't know what else could be more defined as an enemy state than somebody who's coming here and killing Canadians on Canadian soil. For me, it would be actually about understanding them. If it's low risk to them, that means they know they can come here. They can kill people. They can extort people. They can meddle in our governmental affairs and our elections. They can manipulate everything from our media to other spaces as well. They've been doing it without any type of retribution or fear of any type of retribution.
My thinking is that I'd go back to the inquiry to understand how they've been operating and to understand them much more deeply. I think there's no other way to do it. To find out why successive governments have allowed them to get to this point, I think, is key in this. This didn't happen just overnight. This is a decades-long process that has brought us to this point right now.
If people are being killed in this country because India wants them dead for their activism, when they're not violating any Canadian law and are just exercising their charter rights, then I think, as Balpreet Singh said, we cannot politicize that issue. It has to be a firm issue of solidarity among all Canadians and amongst all Canadian political parties to stand up to India. I think it starts by understanding them, their motives and where our gaps and failures have been. That's only done through an inquiry.