Thank you, Madam Chair.
I don't see a problem with this motion.
Indeed, as Mr. MacGregor just said, there is no indication that a specific number of meetings would be set for the India interference study. We haven't had any projections on the schedule of the committee's work for the last few months, so I think it's entirely reasonable to include it in a motion to ensure that we can undertake the studies proposed by the motions we passed previously.
However, I see that the clock is ticking. The second hour of that meeting was supposed to be for the study of the draft report on auto theft. If we don't get there because we're debating this motion, I might move that we add to the motion that the report must be completed before we start the other studies. However, if everyone agrees to adopt the motion quickly, I'm perfectly prepared to adopt it as is so that we can move on to the study of the draft report on car thefts.