Thanks, Chair.
It's a question mostly for my colleague who has moved the amendment that we're speaking to because, again, it's just in the preamble.
Quite frankly, I was shocked at the testimony we've heard so far on the India study. I think the last meeting was probably one of the most difficult meetings I've had to listen to when we had one of the witnesses talk about his experience.
I don't like limiting. I don't remember what we agreed to on India. I think it was six meetings, but we may find at the end of those six meetings that there's still more information that we want to hear. In fact, it was your party that brought a motion to set up a whole new committee on it.
If we pass this motion, we're going to be limited because we've only agreed to do a study of six meetings. How, if the committee chooses to, are we going to extend either the Russia or the India study if we pass this motion?
It's a concern I have about what we're doing. I just would like some clarity on that because it seems like we're committing.... You've said that once we finish the study on India.... Right now, finishing the study on India is actually six meetings, so it doesn't give us flexibility if we choose to extend either or both of these studies.