It's a great question, Mr. Motz.
I would say maybe two things. There's one answer that deals with our legislation. There are a bunch of statutory reviews that we're still waiting for. I think we should start there. Also, there are the legislative reviews and tune-ups that would be required, but also a national security strategy.
I appreciate what we're doing here. We're having one single conversation about one single government in one single area. It was ditto for the foreign interference commission, where we were looking at elections. Of course, it's much broader than that.
What I would urge is a strategy that looks at the relationships among trade, economic development, intellectual property theft, research support and defence industrial strategy. They're all connected, so I think treating them as categorically discrete things actually misses a huge opportunity.
The last thing I'll say is that adversarial states view these areas as strategically linked. I think it behooves us to do the same.