Maybe I didn't paint a rosy picture. Maybe it was a less sombre picture, because we have, as I noted, increased the resources for the CBSA.
However, I recognize, Mr. MacGregor, that we need to do more and that the responsibility they have is enormous. The kinds of threats we see at the border include human trafficking, gun smuggling and drugs. In the criminal intelligence work they do, there are 200 criminal investigators who work at the CBSA. These people are doing extraordinary work, but I totally share the view you expressed and the view of the union president, who has said publicly that we can continue to increase the human resource posture.
That's exactly what I hope I will be talking about publicly in the next few weeks, recognizing that we can continue to do more. I think we have been supportive. I hope we've been supportive of their good work, but we haven't finished, and I hope we can look forward to your support on exactly that, as we will do more.