Ms. Dancho, what is equally unclear is the infomercial you just did for social media.
You talked about Mr. Harper eliminating his own deficit, having inherited a massive surplus from Ralph Goodale. You talked about increasing the CBSA staff numbers, which is a good thing. The CBSA was born in 2003, post-9/11, so it wasn't surprising that after Mr. Harper became prime minister, the CBSA, in 2006, 2007 and 2008, began ramping up the good work it has been doing. Therefore, we certainly are glad that Mr. Harper did that in those early years. It's too bad that at the end of his government, he decided to cut it.
Again, Ms. Dancho, you keep repeating that. I hope you get a good clip, but I have said it publicly and I said it at Mar-a-Lago, and the Prime Minister repeated it: Of course we will be increasing the “boots on the ground”, to use your phrase, of the CBSA and the RCMP.
I want to be careful. You said that the RCMP has not redeployed resources or has not assigned new people. I have a lot of confidence in the decision that the commissioner of the RCMP or that the president of the CBSA will make on reassigning the appropriate police or law enforcement presence, based on the threat that exists. I've been assured by the commissioner and by the president that they absolutely are operationally ready to meet a potential threat. The good news is that we're going to work with them to ensure that they have even more human resources.
There's the specific answer to your question. The answer was yes, we are going to increase the human resources, but we're also going to use technologies, which can be very effective as well.