Thank you for your question, Mr. Shipley.
Most of the cases are confidential, so we can't make them public. It is very difficult to evaluate the success of a prevention program like this, as we cannot compare this situation to a situation where there is no program. If a program works, it should be implemented.
That said, we have collected testimony from people who have been militants or sympathizers within jihadist movements, in this case people who wanted to go to Syria. They were accompanied by the centre, reintegrated into society and wanted to share their experience. We published their testimony anonymously as part of the “MY STORY” project. In some cases, this took the form of comic strips. There was also the “What if I was wrong?” campaign, which shows how our guidance of former neo-Nazi activists encouraged them to move on, to reintegrate into society, to tell their stories and to move beyond hatred.
We really work on a case‑by‑case basis. It gives rise to many such testimonies. However, we would need a broader evaluation program to get a clearer picture of which projects work best.