Thank you, sir.
The main change [Technical difficulty--Editor] social media that has really amplified the messaging of threat actors, as well as given them the opportunity to recruit out in the open in many cases. I understand there's a whole other topic on what to do with “big tech” and holding them responsible, really, when it comes to allowing them to use their platforms in the way they've been used. Really, the media space is the biggest change.
Because of COVID, of course, and unforeseen circumstances such as COVID, it has thrown us into a situation where we almost don't know where the threat is going to come from tomorrow. Also, you have individuals who are basically picking and choosing from the salad bar of extremist ideologies.
Some of them may be far right, but they may also have anti-vaxxer views and all far-right members have anti-Semitic views. You have Islamophobic views. Very often you have people who are just picking and choosing and ultimately are just upset at whatever is happening in the world or just frustrated. Of course, COVID exacerbated and made that even worse.
These are some of the things that have made things different for us today from yesterday.