I think there are two broad ways. There are written, formal statements or speeches, but also commitments of time. I think you can point to examples. The indigenous file has been one where the current Prime Minister has indicated that the file matters very much to his government. I don't think it's any accident that we've seen spending on that particular file over the last several years effectively double, which is a remarkable increase in a short amount of time. Talking about the huge increase in the financial commitment to that particular file, that was clearly communicated to all ministers in the 2015 mandate letters and remains in the current version of those mandate letters today.
If we want to see an equivalent type of change in output or outcomes on the procurement file or on defence/national security writ large, you need to see that type of a commitment of government to identify that as a key set of activities and priorities that they're looking to see progress on. Absent that, procurement officials, other officials and other department agencies will take their cue that other things simply matter more and focus there first.