I'm going to present a motion.
I move
That the committee instruct the chair to report to the House the following: the Standing Committee on Public Safety and National Security calls on the Minister of Public Safety to make a decision on Huawei's involvement in Canada's telecommunications network. For over three years, security experts, allied countries, the House of Commons and Canadians have called on your government to act on the serious national security concerns and ban Huawei from Canada's 5G infrastructure. On Tuesday, September 28, 2021, the Prime Minister promised to make a decision “in the coming weeks”. The government's indecision has been exploited by Huawei, which sold Canadian telecommunication firms hundreds of millions of dollars' worth of critical equipment installed in their networks. Now, these large Canadian telecoms are seeking over one billion dollars in compensation from the taxpayer to remove and replace Huawei infrastructure from their networks. Canadian consumers already pay some of the highest monthly fees for cell phone service in the world. The committee recommends that the government reject the requests for compensation from Canada's large telecommunication companies, and that the government inform the committee of the date on which a decision will be made on Huawei before year-end, and the committee requests a government response.