I'd like to thank the hon. member for this question.
I myself, as co‑chair, was involved in an initiative called Dialogue Plus, whose purpose was to prevent radicalization and discrimination in societies, particularly among young people and older people. So you've asked a very good question.
I believe that celebrating cultural diversity is essential. Unfortunately though, the message is not often received by the people who are not at all convinced of the benefits of cultural diversity. So I think that less talk and more action is needed. Opportunities for meetings on the ground between people from the diversity and others from the cultural majority—I always have a bit of trouble with all these terms. I think that the solution is to do things together, concretely, on projects, rather than systematically declare broad principles, even though it's important to reiterate these principles.
It's important to go out in the field and provide community organizations with the resources they need to facilitate meetings and dialogue. Generally speaking, that's what has worked best in terms of prevention.
I hope, hon. member, that this answers your question.
Thank you.