There is always a risk of horizontal or vertical escalation by Russia, either toward Ukraine or toward allied or partner countries. The relationship with Russia is definitely difficult. We have to remember that Russia is a threat to our interests not only in Europe, our second strategic partner in terms of importance after the United States, but also in the Arctic, which requires considerable investments, as you mentioned, in NORAD, the North American Aerospace Defense Command, and in other organizations.
Relations with Russia will be difficult over the coming decades. However, we must also remember that this conflict is with Russia's current regime, and not with the Russian population. Russia has a new generation, younger than me, which is much more western-friendly and is not unhappy about the Cold War ending or the fall of the Soviet empire. So I think that, over the next 25 years, there will potentially be rapprochement with Russia, but that we will probably be in a situation until then where Russia will continue to threaten all NATO members, as well as the established international order since the signing of the Final Act of the Helsinki Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe, in Helsinki, in 1975.