As I said earlier, we can always use more resources. This is a huge border. We are working toward advancing our technology. For example, we're doing a study to identify the gaps across the border, so we can see if there are some technological solutions that would close those gaps. This is one part.
Also, because gang activity is mostly in the bigger centres—of course we look at the Lower Mainland—we do invest a lot in reducing gang activity through gang suppression teams. They are successful when we concentrate our efforts. Obviously, we don't have the benefit of having that in all of our detachments, as they are more of a general duty environment, but we do spread those teams out. We have provincially funded teams through crime reduction and enforcement that try to deal with the 5% of the population who cause 90% of the grief. We try to use those crime reduction teams that are provincially and federally funded on a contractual basis. That's where they can deal with those problems directly.
It would be great to have more resources in those areas as well.