Mr. Chair, this is a challenge that not only every western military is facing, but we're facing it here at home as well with labour challenges and real challenges in the workforce. That's reflected in our own numbers. I am very worried about our numbers. That's why we're putting as the priority effort the reconstitution of our military.
What we're doing about it specifically is looking at our recruiting system. We've staffed our recruiting system to 100%. We are streamlining the recruiting system. We've brought in a retention strategy. There are many more things that we continue to work on to ensure that the quality of service that our members experience is what it needs to be.
Let's face it, nobody joins the military to get rich. What we offer is something transcendent. It's the ability to serve your country. We have to make sure that the quality of service is extended to such aspects as financial security for our members and their families; quality equipment, so they can work on modern equipment; quality infrastructure that they can have; and meaningful employment, and that means meaningful overseas deployments as well as meaningful employment here in Canada.