Thank you for that.
I'd like to turn for the couple of minutes I have left to our friends from the airsoft industry.
I think that everyone in this room understands that airsoft doesn't kill people, but they do get people killed because of the way they look. They might not be used in the way that you intend them to be used, and then perhaps their aesthetic causes law enforcement to respond in a way that law enforcement should if they see something that looks like a lethal weapon.
I don't think anybody here wants you to shut down your industry. What is the industry willing to do to help ensure that the airsoft guns you manufacture or that you use don't look like lethal firearms?
We heard the nerf analogy earlier, but a nerf gun looks nothing like an airsoft gun.
We don't want to shut your industry down. We do want to make it something that doesn't get people killed, so tell us what you would be willing to consider so that we can find ways to work together to make sure that people who are playing this sport are not able to inadvertently become the cause of people dying, particularly young people.