Yes. As you correctly point out, it is complicated, because firearm legislation is a federal jurisdiction but physician regulation and the health care system are provincial matters. You are correct, and I'll hand it over to Dr. Maggi, who can explain the responsibility of physicians related to people who are an immediate risk to themselves under the Mental Health Act.
As it currently stands, there's no way for a physician, if they are concerned about the safety of a woman in a domestic situation or they're concerned that a person might kill themselves with a firearm, to have the firearm removed.
There are many other situations in which we have the mandated responsibility to report. For example, if tonight I see someone in the trauma bay who was injured while they were driving their vehicle drunk, I have a duty to report in a mandatory fashion. Similarly, if we are concerned about a child being abused in their home, we have a mandatory obligation to report it, but there are gaps, as you are outlining.
I'm going to hand it over to Dr. Maggi, who may have further comments in this area.