Banning law-abiding citizens from having firearms I don't think does anything for public safety. I don't think it does anything to reduce violence.
When you look at statistics for violent acts within Canada from Statistics Canada, we're talking about 3% of violent acts within Canada that are done with firearms. If you want to deal with violence in Canada, then you deal with the 97%, and it will likely also include that 3% of firearms activities. Of those firearms activities that have violence in them, I'm going to say that the majority are not by law-abiding citizens.
All of us who have firearms are competitive; we go to the range and we train. To be able to attend any sort of a range or to take our firearms out or transport them, we have to go through rigorous safety protocols and courses. We have continual safety checks—24 hours a day—and reference checks all the time.
When it comes to public safety, I don't see how limiting my use of firearms and limiting law-abiding use of firearms actually affects anybody's public safety.