What I can say on my role as an official is that we have a very strict no-tolerance policy to safety violations. We have a process that is followed such that if anyone is found in a safety infraction or breaking a rule, they will be visited by our coordinators. Our NROI, National Range Officers Institute, will review it. The instructor coaches and the director that put on the match will review the situation to see why this happened.
To answer your question about bad people and how you prevent and stop that, I wish I had the answer, because then maybe I could try to help you as elected officials solve world problems.
I will repeat that we do not tolerate any form of bad behaviour. We have governance in place. The organization itself has a structure that has a code of ethics about conflict of interest, gender equality and long-term athlete development, but involved in there is the fact that safety is number one, and it is totally not tolerated if you don't follow that.