Thank you for the question.
You actually bring up a very good point. What we need in Canada—and of course you have the ability to see that Canadians get this—is more money for mental health. We need more money for education at the grassroots level and in that family structure, which is where you're going to learn the three Rs—respect, recognition and responsibility—and at the same time learn to look out for your fellow people.
The IPSC community, as Mr. Smith has said, I consider to be my family. I am also an IPSC club rep, so I am responsible to put on sanctioned IPSC matches.
By the way, I don't just decide I'm going to throw on a match just like that. It involves informing my section with 30 days' notice, setting it up, getting everything organized with the club, meeting the club rules, and meeting the municipal, provincial and federal rules and regulations before I actually can put on that sanctioned match.
In Ontario, our statistics show that we have over 2,000 members. The attendance rates at the matches that we have held number over 10,000. At these matches, range officials like myself—I'm a chief range officer—and fellow members look out for each other. If we see that someone is not exactly in a good place, we pull them aside. There's a camaraderie. We work together. We look out for each other and we respect each other.
Yes, mental health is a very important issue in this country, and it needs more funding.