The question is relevant. I myself have a friend who is a doctor and he had to make that kind of call and it was extremely difficult. I would suggest a direct line for health care professionals. It would allow them to communicate directly with the relevant authorities so that they may decide if an intervention is necessary and, if that is indeed the case, so that it can be planned.
My friend had to talk to approximately 10 people before a patrol officer called him back, and he didn't really understand the situation. He was ready to go and meet the person, but that would have put the doctor in danger. Obviously, we have to protect the person that makes the call. The Collège des médecins du Québec has stated that doctors are no longer bound by patient confidentiality when there is reason to believe that firearms present a potential danger.
I think that there should be a separate communication channel so that doctors can speak directly with the relevant authorities, without having to wait and be transferred from one person to the other. They have to be able to immediately speak with a person who is knowledgeable about gun licences as well as the various ways of intervening.