I very much think the importance is in the details of how this will be rolled out. Police services and police officers, as Mr. Sauvé talked about, will follow and enforce the law. The buyback program is an administrative process. At the end of the amnesty period, the law becomes the law. Police officers will be involved in that process to enforce the law at that time.
In this administrative process, I think there are lots of ways—and the CACP is advocating for alternate ways—to find these firearms to be submitted for the buyback program rather than using police resources. Could they be used through some sort of courier or mail system? Could another organization go out there and collect these firearms as they're being turned in?
Through the administrative part of this process, it's a massive amount of work. It doesn't matter where you're talking about in Canada; our frontline officers are strapped. They're being overstretched. Their communities' expectations are much higher than what our officers are able to deliver. Sadly, we are delivering that work, but it's at the expense of our officers because of the drain on them and their mental health.
I think this added process needs to be diverted somewhere else rather than using police resources, if at all possible.