Thank you for the question. I see that you have done your homework.
Yes, on January 26, the CCACV did indeed send two letters to the media and gave a press conference to propose certain measures to the three levels of government in the fight against gun-related violence. We presented measures both in terms of prevention and repression.
For example, one of the first preventative measures that we suggested to the City of Montreal was approved three weeks after our press conference. We suggested a helpline, which would offer a sympathetic ear and practical help to parents who are seeing their children get caught up in violence.
The truth is that parents cannot keep up with technology at the same speed as their children. The kids are always two steps ahead: they use social media and deal and network with shady people and their parents can't keep up. However, sometimes mom or dad realize that their child has more money than they ever had before, that the child is no longer obeying the parents' rules or the house rules, that there is a change in attitude or behaviour and that the child smells like they've been taking drugs. In this type of situation, parents often find themselves at a loss. If there were a helpline managed by a team of specialists, parents would be able to dial a number and get advice.
The City of Montreal is studying the situation to determine which organization will manage the helpline. We hope that the organization will be selected in the coming weeks or months and that there will be a publicity campaign to inform parents of the existence of the centre. The resources provided could help parents understand what is going on with their children before they become violent criminals. It's a choice. We have to help parents behave responsibly when their children are very young. They have to be attentive. If they see that their child is getting into trouble and they call the centre to get some advice, we could prevent many young people from getting involved in a life of crime.