I agree with Chief Bray.
In terms of accommodations or amendments that need to be integrated into the bill, if the bill passes as it is now, at the very least we would need measures to accommodate hunters and sport shooters. Sport shooters are already members of a shooting club. Could we add more conditions, for example requiring that sport shooters, in addition to their regular training sessions, participate in a shooting competition at least once a year? That way, sport shooters who already have a licence and who are truly practising the sport could be exempted from all the measures contained in the bill.
Let's be clear: we have a bill on handguns, but are they really a problem in Canada? We know what the problem is and we have to start tackling it head‑on. The problem is that in every big Canadian city, nine times out of 10, members of street gangs and organized crime syndicates are using illegal firearms to commit crimes. That's what legislators should be targeting.