We have asked that the “red flag” measures be removed because we believe that they may harm more women than they would help, although it is true that these measures may be relevant to some women in the situations you mention. In practice, however, in everyday life, we have often seen police officers fail to take responsibility.
I will give you an example. In the Criminal Code, section 810 makes it possible to apply for a peace bond. Normally, when a person says they fear for their safety, the police should investigate and notify the prosecutor. The person may also do so themselves. However, there have been many instances where police officers have told victims to ask their lawyer to do so. Unfortunately, women have lost their lives in the meantime.
We believe that police departments must fulfill their duties. Every effort must be made to prevent this measure from enabling police officers to avoid their responsibilities. We think that, in the heat of the moment, with all the work that police officers have to do, they are very likely to ask the woman to take her own measures.
If the “red flag” measures are maintained, mechanisms are needed to prevent police officers and the department that handles gun control from shirking their responsibilities.
Having to go back to court, especially to request that children be cared for despite the spouse's refusal, is always a difficult and arduous process for a woman. When she is fleeing abuse, she has a lot to deal with.