Thank you, Mr. Chair.
I will try to bring the tension down a bit.
Mr. Kapur, thank you for being here tonight and for using your valuable time to testify before us. I am sorry for the few interruptions earlier, but you must be used to it as an emergency physician.
In your opinion, the suicide rate in Canada is quite high compared with other countries. You also talked about the reporting system for people at risk, saying that the bill would have a very limited effect in that respect. Instead of asking a court to seize those people's guns, you believe that doctors should be able to report them directly to the police.
In Quebec, the Act to protect persons with regard to activities involving firearms, known as Anastasia's Law, came into force in 2008. This legislation authorizes any person working in a hospital centre who has reasonable cause to believe that a person is engaging in behaviour that may affect his or her safety or the safety of others with a firearm to report that behaviour to law enforcement.
To your knowledge, is this also the case in other Canadian provinces? If not, and without going so far as to put such a provision in federal legislation, since health is a provincial jurisdiction, would it be a good thing for other provinces to have similar legislation?