I would completely agree with that. We do not have the resources. You're right.
Our complement in the last six years has decreased by over 100 police officers, and we have become a completely reactive service. There is no patrolling of back lanes anymore to curb gang or gun violence. The unfortunate thing is that we could use more resources on the street and also more resources for social programming, because if we can get to those kids early, that prevents them from entering a gang or continuing to be involved in a gang.
I believe that funding for that buyback program should be diverted to those social programs. We have a member whose position—I can't remember the exact term—is for gang intervention, I believe. That one member is dedicated to trying to get kids to get out of the gang life and to do something positive with their life. That's one person for over 700,000 citizens in Winnipeg, so definitely funding is required, and it would be very much appreciated in order to curb some of those gang initiatives.