When we met previously, you mentioned that the reason auto theft is so linked to violent crime and gun violence is that it's often very young people—you mentioned as young as eight years old—being recruited into gangs. They sort of start them off with “Go steal that car.” Then they go down a rabbit hole of crime from there. I know that police believe in prevention and helping young people, stopping them by providing other resources to stop them from going into gangs. When they steal their first car, that's when you have to get them and divert them to a better path.
We just have about a minute and a half left. I want to ask you a little bit about police morale. You mentioned a massive increase of calls in the last 10 years, and yet there are not many more police resources. In fact, you said there are fewer police officers on the street now.
Just very quickly, the federal government is bringing in a firearm buyback program. Do police have time to go and institute the federal government orders for this buyback, or should their time be better placed fighting violent criminals and gun violence?