That's all right.
Anyway, that's the report Public Safety and the parliamentary secretary at the time, Joël Lightbound, signed off on, and it referred to the government choosing to use that principle. I just wanted to share that with the committee.
I'm sure everybody who's been studying this has gone through some of it, but there was actually a fairly significant and detailed consultation process. I'm going to cover a bit of the executive summary and some of the key themes that were received based on the submissions from a number of Canadians right across the base. In fact, there were over 1,200 written submissions. That's a lot of information and a lot of data and evidence that we should be taking into consideration. Also, they did an online questionnaire, and over 134,000 Canadians participated and provided data.
Here are the key themes that came out of those written submissions. Rightly so, there was a mixed reaction to the potential of banning or limiting access to firearms. However, there was broad consensus about the need to collect relevant data on crime involving firearms, to address the risk factors underlying firearms violence, to focus on the illicit firearms trafficking, to enhance enforcement capacity, to consult with the firearms community and industry, to provide more mental health supports and screening, to provide more education—