Thank you, Chair.
I did have many notes here, but seeing as how you're being very cognizant of the clock today, I will be also, even though not everybody here has been. I'm definitely not one for overspeaking my turn in here, and I think everybody would agree with that.
I just have a few quick things to say. I came into this a little excited. This was going to be my first clause-by-clause review. That excitement has been been somewhat removed from me. We've gotten bogged down in a quagmire here, quite frankly. We're now in our seventh meeting. We've had six and we really haven't accomplished a lot.
I'm just going to cut to the chase. I have a lot of notes here, but I know we want to move on. We're going to try to get this thing moving. The only thing I'm going to say is this.
I have heard the term “misinformation” so much lately; it's crazy. Every time someone says something anywhere now, it's just misinformation. You're saying misinformation. You're spewing misinformation. Everything is misinformation.
So let's go to the heart of it. Let's have these meetings. Let's stop the misinformation. Let's go out there and get the real factual information from the people who are using these hunting rifles that an attempt is being made to ban here. Let's stop with the misinformation.
You use that phrase a lot, Mr. Noormohamed, but let's go out there and get the facts. I don't think we can do that in two meetings. There are a lot of facts out there. Every side will want to get the facts. Let's go get them.
As I said, I did have many other notes here, but I know we're being aware of time, so I will cede my time. That's all I'll be saying today. I'm in favour of more meetings. We have to get the facts on this and move forward.