It's the same thing with respect to the correctional outcomes, and they are as poor.
With respect to the drug strategy, 75% of our prison population has a history of substance abuse.
On education, the average educational achievement of prisoners coming into the system is a grade 8 education. Also, most of them—over 60% of them—were unemployed at the time of the index offence, and they have very poor vocational skills.
Finally, we'll go to the last slide. On harm reduction, we know that there is a much higher rate of HIV, as well as hepatitis C, although hepatitis C is being brought under control with new medication. Interestingly, despite the fact that we have had some attempts at harm reduction, we have about 25% of our incarcerated individuals who are now on methadone or Suboxone.
Women are one of the fastest-growing segments of the inmate population. We have to remember that the great majority of them reported sexual, psychological or physical abuse. Some questions need to be asked as to whether all of them should be incarcerated the way they are.
Aging is another issue. It's a growing segment of the inmate population. Twenty or 25 years ago, about 15% were aged 50 or over. Now we're looking at 26%. We did some systemic investigation on this and found an inordinate number of people who have dementia and Alzheimer's, who are palliative, terminally ill, have great mobility issues, are hooked up to oxygen tanks or are bedridden. In my view, these individuals have no place in penitentiaries.