I can tell you that I am very disappointed with the response of the Correctional Service of Canada with respect to the recommendations I have made for over a decade when it comes to indigenous people. In our report, “Spirit Matters”, as well as the report we did on the experiences of Black individuals incarcerated in federal corrections, which also dates back to 2013, I'm appalled that....
It's not just I who have made recommendations. My recommendations have been rolled into the work of the UN working group of experts on people of African descent, who cut and paste some of the same kinds of recommendations that I've made before. That was in 2016, yet very little has been done.
I notice that the trap with the Correctional Service of Canada is that they seem to be very good at producing a lot of corporate documents, but it doesn't filter down to the penitentiary floor, if you will, and effect change. The latest flurry of activity wasn't in response to my recommendations but to the Prime Minister's direction that every single government department should have an anti-racism strategy. There was a flurry of activity, but it still doesn't seem to have had any impact on how people are treated in our penitentiaries. They are still subject to pervasive discrimination, biases and racism. That's very unfortunate.