Thank you very much, Mr. Chair.
I'd also like to thank all the committee members for giving me two hours this morning. I am very pleased to be here today.
I am accompanied by Hazel Miron, a senior investigator from the Office of the Correctional Investigator of Canada. I should note that she also has the role of champion for indigenous issues. She has a great deal of experience in this area. When committee members ask us questions about indigenous issues, she will be able to provide additional insight and help committee members better understand the challenges facing the Correctional Service of Canada.
What I propose to do today is simply to talk to you about the content of the annual report. I have sent you two PowerPoint presentations. I'm just going to give you highlights of the annual report before I move on to my second presentation, which is on the profile of people incarcerated in a federal facility. I believe that will give you a lot of content.
I must admit that, historically, correctional issues are not a high priority. When they are, it's often for the wrong reasons.
Our annual report, which was filed in early November 2022, includes several updates on issues of importance and concern to our office, including the use of dry cells, the mother‑child program review, security escort vehicles and the Correctional Service of Canada's drug strategy.
My report also covered three national systemic investigations, including one on indigenous people, another on incarcerated Black individuals and a third on restrictive forms of confinement in federal correctional facilities.
I will now turn to the presentation focused on profiles. I will talk about it for around 15 minutes and then take questions.
I'd like to point out that I'm going to start with the second slide of the PowerPoint presentation.
I just wanted to give you the context of the profile of the offender population in federal corrections.
First, there are some things that many of you may not be aware of, and certainly some Canadians are unaware of some of the facts regarding federal corrections. The first thing is that generally, around the world, corrections is big business, and I would tell you that in Canada it is very much so. We spend an inordinate amount on federal corrections compared to other jurisdictions. The Correctional Service of Canada has a budget of close to $3 billion to manage about 12,500 incarcerated persons as well as about 9,000 individuals who are serving the remainder of their federal sentences in the community.
It has approximately 19,000 employees. If you look at why it is such an inordinate amount of money, you see that the ratio between staff and prisoners in federal corrections is probably the highest in the world, with a ratio of 1.2 staff per prisoner. That is extraordinary by any standard, and if it is not the very highest, it is certainly at the very top. I have no problem with spending a great deal of money in federal corrections, but if we spend that kind of money, we should expect outstanding outcomes and performances in every single area of correctional endeavour.
In terms of the cost per incarcerated population, if you take the $3 billion and you take away 6% of that budget to look after the community corrections component, you end up with an average cost, all-inclusive, overheads included, of about $225,000 per year per individual. The official cost in corporate documents talks about $126,000, but that doesn't cover the overall costs, like national headquarters, regional headquarters, etc. The real cost is very, very high.
I also want to point out that currently the service is operating about 43 penitentiaries, but many of them have vacancies. At the moment, there are over 4,000 empty cells across Canada. If the average penitentiary in Canada is about 500 incarcerated persons per institution, that represents about eight empty penitentiaries.
I have said it before and I even mentioned to the minister that it is maybe time to think about rationalizing those penitentiaries a bit. Three of them are over a hundred years old, and the average age of our penitentiaries in Canada is anywhere between 45 and 50 years old. It's very old infrastructure where it's very difficult to sustain humane custody as well as effective corrections, meaning a good rehabilitation environment.
With respect to the incarceration rate, I have to tell you that over the pandemic the federal correctional system saw a loss of about 10% of its in-custody residents, so we shrunk during COVID, by about 10%. This was primarily because during COVID the courts weren't processing cases as quickly as they should. There was no real attempt to try to empty our penitentiaries to manage the various waves of outbreaks.
At the provincial level, they did better, much better. They were proactive, and they were so because in the federal system we have single cell accommodation. It's not surprising, with all that empty space. For Correctional Service Canada, the way they managed the actual outbreak was to isolate people in their cells. That was the strategy. People spent an inordinate amount of time in their cells during COVID, and they still do, because of some systemic issues that are residual from those days.
At the provincial level, they have dormitories. They have overcrowding. They have double bunking, which means two people in a cell that was designed for one. They even have triple bunking, so there was a real, proactive effort to reduce the number of provincial incarcerated individuals. The jurisdictions were able to reduce the provincial prison population by anywhere from 25% upwards to 50%. I say this because despite those huge reductions, unheard of in Canadian history in terms of emptying our penitentiaries, crime rates did not go up.
I know you're facing a lot of pressures around, for example, things like bail. The reductions in those provincial facilities were largely due to reviewing bail decisions and releasing people who normally would have remained in jail.
Just as policy-makers and legislators, think about that. We reduce the prison population and crime doesn't go up.
Of course, there are some egregious cases, and those need to be subject to significant tightening and reforms, but let's keep that in mind. Let's have a balanced view of these things.
Let me talk to you a bit about the profiles of incarcerated persons in federal corrections. If you're following, I'm going to jump to slide number eight. Let me make a few more short comments first.
Why is the profile so important? The profile can be used to make decisions on approaches to federal corrections.
You've probably heard the famous saying that you can tell a lot about a society by entering its prisons. It can tell you a lot about the degree of civility, the commitment to social justice, or human rights, by entering prisons in any society. I've always wondered, since I started my career, what it would be like to enter a Canadian penitentiary. What would you see? I hope all of you have taken the time, because the legislation provides you with the authority to visit penitentiaries.
This saying was first quoted by Fyodor Dostoevsky. It was repeated by Winston Churchill, and later on even by Nelson Mandela.
The focus has always been about the treatment of prisoners. That tells you a lot about a society. I think we have to go beyond that. We have to ask ourselves, “Who are the men and women in our penitentiaries? Are they a random cross-section of Canadian society, or are they particular components of our society?”
The profile has been used, for example, by the Harper government during its 10-year presence in government to justify a tough on crime agenda. It used the profile to say, “Look at the profile. We're dealing with dangerous people who require mandatory minimum sentences, longer sentences, harsher conditions of confinement and fewer opportunities for parole.” That has been the approach taken by using the profile to substantiate that.
My argument is that the profile can be used, if you want, as a barometer to gauge the success and failures of our broad Canadian policies. It can be used to detect whether our policies are anchored in good human rights principles and are fair, just and compliant with human rights. It can be used, certainly, to focus more on helping those who are incarcerated.
Let me jump in and give you the overview of that profile.
It's clear to me that all the data suggests that the prevalence of those who are mentally ill in prison is extraordinarily high. Those in prisons have significant mental health issues. If you look at the prevalence data, it shows that nearly 80% of all incarcerated men and women have a current mental disorder. That's a very broad definition of mental health, because it includes things like addiction issues and personality disorders. Even if you narrow it down, based on CSC data upon admission, about 30% of inmates, when they enter the federal system, require psychological or psychiatric services.
There is also an inordinate number of psychotropic drugs being dispensed every day, four times higher than in Canadian society at large.
We know from CSC research that about a third meet the diagnosis of PTSD, when it comes to women. We have a lack of data for men, but I suspect that it's also extremely high. We also know that the incidence of self-injury is extraordinarily high, and that it kept increasing over the last decade.
One thing that is less known is that our prison population also has significant cognitive deficits. These take the form of intellectual impairment, brain injury, fetal alcohol syndrome, learning disabilities and ADHD. All of these make it much more difficult for the Correctional Service of Canada to implement programming that is effective, because these things are lifetime issues. They are not things you can give a pill to resolve.
On some of that, the learning disabilities, for me, are really problematic, because the service does not do anything to address learning disabilities. It doesn't assess them. It's ill equipped to deal with them. It doesn't have specialized teachers. It's a shame.
Let me move on, because I want to make sure I finish this.
Let's go to the next slide, which is slide 9, on indigenous self-government. As you know, for the last three decades, the percentage of indigenous people in federal corrections has kept going up and up. The prison population is now at 32% with indigenous ancestry. For women, the situation is worse. It is now 50%.
Indigenous people don't fare well in prison. This is drawn from my last annual report. The latest data that we have again shows that indigenous prisoners compared to non-indigenous prisoners have a higher rate of custody versus community supervision. They're more likely to be involved in use of force. They're overrepresented in maximum security institutions and overrepresented in solitary confinement or the new structured intervention units. They're more likely to be affiliated with security threats or gangs, more likely to self-injure and more likely to attempt suicide. They were overrepresented in prison suicide for the last fiscal year. They serve a higher portion of their sentence compared to non-indigenous people, and they have a higher recidivism rate and a higher rate of parole suspension or revocation.
They don't fare well. Let me tell you that for all of these outcomes, the Correctional Service of Canada has some leverage on it. When corrections tells me, “Ivan, we have no control of who comes into our penitentiaries,” that is correct, but it has leverage on correctional outcomes.
For Black Canadians, it's the same thing. We also covered in our last—