Notice has been given. The motion then has to be translated and will be up for discussion at our next meeting, which is on Thursday.
Thank you very much. That ends this round of questioning, and it ends this hour, plus a few more minutes, but not very many more.
On behalf of members of the committee, I want to thank the witnesses. Know how grateful we are for the work you do on the front lines, how difficult it is in a moment when tempers are pretty high and anxiety is on the rise in our country, and you see it, you feel it, you know it and you have to cope with it. Thank you, on behalf of all members of the committee and, through this committee, all members of Parliament, for the wonderful work you do. We appreciate it.
Colleagues, we need to take a short break because the panel is changing. That means the clerk and his technical people will have to do some sound checks.
We'll suspend for—I'm hoping—only five minutes.