Thank you for your question.
Over the last number of years, we have received ongoing investment in the Canadian firearms program. We actually created a new unit under Ms. Paquette's Canadian firearms program, NWEST, which does a significant amount of work.
Clearly, as this industry continues to grow, the airsoft industry and different pieces, and as those become wise around manufacturing and parts exchanges, etc., we would need to look at our organizational priorities and mandate as to how we reallocate resources. In short, we're always concerned about the priorities of our organization and how we adjust and align.
Crime trends do change. We're seeing significant change in violent crime in our country. Hence, as an organization, we're always shifting and looking at where we reallocate those resources. However finding the funding and the full-time equivalents to move into some of this work is a challenge.
The Canadian firearms program does excellent work, although it continues to face significant challenges in meeting the demands of Canadians.