Okay. This will be my last comment. I just want to underline in particular that we are supportive of making up for the time we are losing because of those two lost Fridays, but the Conservatives are not supportive of many additional hours to make up for the fact that we have been waiting six weeks to see the minister and to complete the consultations on the previously withdrawn amendment. Just to be clear, Conservatives are not supportive of any additional time over and beyond making up for those two Fridays, as it's not the committee's fault that the Liberal government took its time getting to the position where we are and the committee is not under an obligation to double up or triple up the time we are meeting and to move things along more quickly, as a result of the very long process that this has taken since November. It's not the fault of Conservative members, and we will not be speeding up this process in any way.
I just want to make that very clear.