Remington manufactures a four-shot, a 10-shot and a 20-shot magazine, even though the four-shot magazine is the only one legal in Canada. If Remington produces a model 800 semi-automatic that accepts all magazines from the 750, 7400 and 742 platforms that Remington has made—the four-, 10- and 20-shot magazines—would test number (ii) be met? The Remington 800 is, however minor the modifications might be, a new model of the Remington semi-automatic platform, and I know you're saying that it has to be a substantive enough change, but that's a subjective decision that is made by somebody, and we don't necessarily know who those folks are.
In theory, I'm reading (ii) as meaning that a Remington 800 semi-automatic 30-06, for example, which could accept a 10-shot 30-06 magazine even though it's not legal in Canada, for the purpose of the law, meets the test.