I just want to put it on the record, and I am being crystal clear. If I am not allowed, because I have applied for a renewal of my PAL and it doesn't get processed in a timely fashion, I will be denied a hunting season, even if I have paid upwards of thousands of dollars for a hunt, which I cannot get refunded.
I think it is incumbent on the MPs who are here at this table to understand the consequences of not only this decision, but the decisions that have already been made earlier on. By denying somebody who, through no fault of their own is now going to be denied, perhaps, a once in a lifetime opportunity.... In some parts of this country, people wait their entire lives to get an opportunity for one specific hunt. As a matter of fact, in B.C., in terms of your opportunity to get a Roosevelt elk draw, you may never get one in your entire lifetime, and if you were to get one.... This particular clause is punitive, absolutely punitive, to the hunting community.
I'll cede my time, Mr. Chair.