Crowdfunding platforms themselves are not covered in the U.S., for example, under FinCEN. However, anybody who's donating to a GoFundMe page, for example, would donate through a payment processor, which means they would identify themselves. They would need a credit card. They would need to fill in their personal information, so that the donation itself would be validated, that the funds exist, and then the funds would be transferred to GoFundMe.
When GoFundMe is disbursing the money to the particular cause, if they are using a Canadian bank account, that disbursement will go through the Canadian bank account. If our Canadian bank, for example, deemed that disbursement to be suspicious or relevant to money laundering, terrorist financing or IMVE activity, it would report those suspicious transactions to us.
We don't monitor what GoFundMe may have, but when the disbursement is made, it is made through a Canadian bank, in the case of Canadian donation pages that have been established. When a donation page is established, the organizers of that page must also identify themselves, the purpose for the cause, and the way in which the funding would be disbursed once it's raised.