As a civil servant, I think anybody would always say, “Just give us more”, but I think the key to effective compliance is the partnerships that we have developed with our reporting entities. Our reporting entities really do take their roles seriously. They see themselves as—and they are—the front line of money laundering and terrorist financing in Canada. They are the ones we rely on, and the police rely on, in terms of investigations and the use of financial intelligence.
We continue to modernize our compliance program. We continue to look at a risk-based approach in terms of compliance and our approach to compliance so that we spend and use our resources to the most and to the best effect that we can to address the highest-risk areas and to ensure the compliance with those risk areas.
A lot of the compliance also goes to the education that's provided through our strategic intelligence, our significant outreach or our significant training, because the better the reporting entities are at understanding what the indicators are and how to report, the better reports we get.