As the chair, I can't mandate that it must be so. I'm encouraging people to have them in by that date if possible. That will give the legislative clerk time to put them in the proper order and so forth. It's always in order for members to bring amendments on the floor during clause-by-clause as well.
The plan is to try our best to get whatever amendments we can in by June 13. If there are more that need to be done after that, we will accommodate them as best we can.
Okay, today we have two panels of witnesses.
With us today in person, we have, from Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami, Mr. Natan Obed, president, and Chris Stewart, assistant director. With us today by video conference, we have Grand Chief Abram Benedict of the Mohawk Council of Akwesasne.
Welcome to you all. You have up to five minutes to make your opening statements, and we will start Mr. Obed.
Please go ahead for five minutes.