On June 1, Canadians learned that Correctional Service Canada was transferring a mass killer, serial rapist and torturer, Paul Bernardo, from a maximum-security prison to a medium-security prison.
This was brought up at subcommittee, Chair. We tried to put it in there and it didn't get put in. We decided to bring this up today to see if we could somehow get this in as a study. If it had been approved on Monday, we would not be having this discussion here today.
I have pages and pages of what I could be discussing and reading, but I don't want to be accused of being partisan whatsoever. I'm going to use other people's words. They're not my words.
First, I have a letter from Thorold city council, dated June 20, 2023, regarding Paul Bernardo:
Thorold City Council, at its meeting held on June 20, 2023, passed the following resolution:
That the Mayor BE REQUESTED to prepare and send a letter to Corrections Canada, local area Members of Parliament, expressing support for keeping Paul Bernardo in a maximum security placement.
A copy of the letter sent to Commissioner Anne Kelly is attached herein.
I was on city council for many years. When we'd send these letters, I'd sometimes wonder if anybody here actually read them. I'm going to make sure that this one gets in the record. It's not very long. I'm just going to read it, as follows:
Dear Commissioner,
Re: Support for Keeping Paul Bernardo in Maximum Security Placement
I am writing to express the unwavering support of the City of Thorold in favor of keeping Paul Bernardo in a maximum-security placement within the Correctional Service Canada system. As the Mayor of the City of Thorold, I represent a community deeply affected by the heinous crimes committed by Mr. Bernardo and remain committed to advocating for the safety and well-being of our residents.
The gravity of Mr. Bernardo's crimes, and the devastating impact they had on the lives of innocent individuals and their families, cannot be understated. Our community, along with the wider Niagara region, continues to bear the scars left by these reprehensible actions. It is of utmost importance that we prioritize public safety and ensure that those who pose a significant risk to society are appropriately confined and monitored.
We acknowledge that decisions regarding the placement of individuals within the correctional system require a comprehensive evaluation of various factors, including the level of risk they present and the potential for harm to others. In the case of Paul Bernardo, his past actions and the severity of his offenses demand the highest level of security to safeguard our community from any potential danger.
Furthermore, we are aware that public safety is a shared responsibility among different levels of government and local communities. To that end, I am copying Niagara's local area municipalities on this letter to ensure that they are aware of our stance and, should they feel inclined, join us in expressing their support for keeping Mr. Bernardo in a maximum-security placement.
The residents of the City of Thorold and the Niagara Region deserve to live in an environment where they feel safe and secure. We trust that you will carefully consider the concerns of our community, along with the collective voices of others within the Niagara Region, when making any decisions regarding the placement and management of Paul Bernardo.
Thank you for your attention to this matter. We look forward to a response and remain committed to working with you to ensure the safety and well-being not only of our community, but all communities across Canada.
Terry Ugulini
Mayor, City of Thorold
Again, those are not my words.
I have one more letter. It won't take long. This one is from St. Catharines, as follows:
Dear Prime Minister Trudeau,
At its meeting held on July 24, 2023, St. Catharines City Council approved the following motion:
WHEREAS the Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) has published their report regarding the transfer of an inmate from maximum security Millhaven Institution to medium security La Macaza Institution; and
WHEREAS Timothy Danson, counsel for the French and Mahaffy Families, has released preliminary observations on the Report; and
WHEREAS Timothy Danson’s observations include that nothing has changed with the inmate in the past 30 years—the parole board has found twice that the inmate has no remorse, empathy or insight into his crimes; that the requirement that the choice of penitentiary must be the least restrictive for the offender cannot be applied mechanically to all offenders; the punishment aspect of this inmate’s sentence does not appear to have been factored into the transfer and that the privacy of the offender was put ahead of the victims, their families and the public;
THEREFORE BE IS RESOLVED that St. Catharines City Council request that the Government of Canada review and consider legislation changes to ensure transparency in the corrections and parole system and examine the guidelines around moving dangerous offenders and sadistic psychopaths who have not exhibited any remorse, empathy or insight into their crimes into medium security prisons; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this resolution be circulation to the Minister of Public Safety, the Honourable Marco Mendicino; the Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada, the Honourable David Lametti; MP Chris Bittle; MP Vance Badawey; MP Dean Allison; MP Tony Baldinelli; and Prime Minister Trudeau.
If you have any questions, please contact the Office of the City Clerk, at extension 1524.
Kristen Sullivan, City Clerk
As I said, Mr. Chair, I just want to put those on the record. Those aren't my words. Those are from two city councils that lived through this.
I think that maybe one of the issues with this is.... I am 57 years old; I remember Paul Bernardo. It was 30 years ago. I would imagine that most people under 45 years old, roughly, don't have as clear a recollection of just how vile this individual was. This man caused havoc around the city. I was living in downtown Toronto at the time, at Yonge and St. Clair, with my then fiancée. She and many women like her were afraid to go out. He was referred to as the “Scarborough rapist”.
I did print off a sheet that has all of his heinous actions. I'm not going to read them all. My original intention was to read them all, just to show people just how nasty and vile this guy is.