I just want to add to what my colleagues are saying. I understand that my friend from the NDP wants to get his motion on the floor, but let's do things right. Let's make sure that we have the right number of meetings in place. Let's not rush it through. We want to make sure that nothing is rushed with this.
When you're talking about bringing the minister.... I know it was a different minister, but we have been asking for the minister to come to this committee. I wish the clerk could tell us how long it's been since the last minister came. We have been asking for that repeatedly, many times, and we couldn't get a response. We're all for the minister coming. It's just that it didn't happen. We're not holding up your motion. We'd like to get him here as much as you do, if not more. That's not an issue.
We just want to make sure that things are done properly here and that we have the right number of meetings. This is a very delicate topic, a very sensitive topic and a very in-depth topic. Let's give it the right time it deserves and let's make sure we do this with a fulsome review. One meeting, to me, is just not enough. We've seen what we can do in a meeting here. Sometimes we don't get a lot resolved in a meeting—case in point.
I don't know what our timing is tonight. We talked just before this, Chair, and we said that we would have a hard stop at 6:30. Are we still—