We think it could. There could be other wording that might better serve both interests.
The intent in clause 28 is not to restrict who may ask the minister or the chairperson of the commission for a specified activity review; it's not intended to narrow that or to specify who may or may not ask or who may be excluded from asking for, recommending or suggesting a review. The intent of clause 28 is to provide a means for the minister, who would otherwise not have the authority to direct or make a request to the commission, to undertake something, where he believes it is in the public interest and where he, for reasons of his own accountability, can answer to this place that he has brought a matter to the attention of the commission. The commission draws very broadly on all sorts of sources, from both within and outside of government, in formulating its plan for what may benefit from a specified activity review.
As drafted, clause 28 does not restrict any organization whatsoever from engaging either with the minister at the political level or directly with the commission about where it believes a specified activity review would be warranted.
My colleagues from the commission may have more detail.